Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thousands Of Uses For Greeting Cards: Thousands Of Uses For Greeting Cards: The Holidays Are Here Again

Thousands Of Uses For Greeting Cards: Thousands Of Uses For Greeting Cards: The Holidays Are Here Again

Thousands Of Uses For Greeting Cards: The Holidays Are Here Again

Thousands Of Uses For Greeting Cards: The Holidays Are Here Again

The Holidays Are Here Again

As a blogger I am not great at keeping things up, but I do get here now and then. Time moves on.

Wow, hard to believe Thanksgiving is over already, and Christmas is on the horizon. Time flies by and life goes on.

This is the busiest time of year for sending greeting cards. Have you thought of sending your's out yet? When you need to mail cards, it's good to be able to automate them.

Years ago I used to think ecards were cool, that was for ONE year. The 2nd year of clicking links it got old. You can't put an e-card on your wall, or on your mantel. You can't look at an e-card when you're not online. E-cards are totally unpersonal.

Now it the time to start thinking of sending your cards out and get busy with them. Photo cards are also really cool. Get a photo of your family, click, put it on a card and send it. People will love you for it.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Putting Back The Personal Touch Into Your Relationships.

Do you believe in sending greeting cards? This is one great way to stand out in a crowd and build relationships.

Greeting cards can be very powerful, and really make a huge difference in your life. If you don’t think so, think about this. It’s days away from your mom’s birthday and you have not sent her a card. She’s getting older, and you’ve moved away. She’s lonely and would love to hear from you and you know it, but you have a busy life. You mean to keep in touch more often, but it’s not convenient.

You get home from a long day at the office, and forgot again to pick up that card for the 3rd day in a row.. You think about it just as you drive up and start into the house and make a mental note to get that card tomorrow. You don’t want to drive all the way back to the store for a $4 card, so you put it off again.

Tomorrow you pick up that card, get it home, address it and then find you are out of stamps. Another day goes by. The next day you make a special trip at lunch to the post office where you spend your lunch time waiting in line, but you got the card off. Now you only pray it makes it in time. After all her birthday is the next day. Chances are you meant well, but it won’t make it on time.

Situations like this happen thousands and thousands of times a day, but they can be avoided by putting your card sending on autopilot. Many people have found a better way sending personally written notes in cards, that get stuffed stamped and mailed out on time every time. In addition to just the birthday, you could send a note out in a special card, to make someones day better.

Card sending can make an incredible difference in business and personal relationships. People will appreciate and remember you more and you will build stronger bonds.

There are many reasons for sending cards, to let others know you card. Besides the traditional birthdays, anniversaries, and Christmas, get creative. Send a card of apology, a congratulations, a good luck card, a missing you card, a motivation card, a thank you card for something nice done for you. Next time you meet someone new, send a nice to meet you card. How about graduation, fundraising, friendship, parties, or just because.

Any day is a great day to send a card. Send out a card today for NO special reason other than to make someone’s day better. Remember, what you sent out you get back 10 fold.
What are YOU sending out?

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