Greeting cards are an excellent way to show someone how much you care and make their day. I was shpping this past weekend at the Mall of America, the biggest mall in the USA. I passed a Hallmark store, and was amazed to see row after row of greeting cards. I stopped in to browse, and was totally blown away to see many of them were $5 and up.
The greeting card business is definitely a growing industry. There were tons of people in the store shopping for cards, and I watched some in line that were checking out with 5 or 6 cards, walking out the door with a little bag and spending $25 or $30.
I know I used to do that myself. The only thing wrong with that was I would get the card home, with good intentions but I never seemed to look up the address and get it out. While my intention was good, it just didnt' happen. Have you done that yourself?
Last year a friend sent me a card with a prepaid card attached where I could go online, pick from a catalog of cards, type a message and push SEND...and out the door it went for me. I was so excited, that I signed up for an account, so I could now follow thru on my intentions.
If you want to try out the service too, you can even do so FREE and send out a card to someone special to let them know you care. If you would like to send one you use the form at and put a note in that you heard about this in my blog and I will see that you get a FREE demo account where you can act on your promptings and send that card to that certain special someone.